dimanche 25 octobre 2009

Week Five: Wonderful skies, yummy snacks and antibiotics

This week was largely spent in a druggy/fatiguey haze, although I am now happily drug-free and the weather is beautiful, and I'm very content. We went to the Gustave Moreau museum, the Musee d'Orsay (for our impressionism visite, which was incredible!) and a few others...
This is where I had the most incredible, heavenly lemon tartlet... ever.

Starting to look wintery a weensy bit

This is one of the many delectable lunchtime treats I've had from the bon marché. I'm still managing to eat something different every day.

Had some incredible sunrises this week. They abruptly stopped a few days ago. :(

Kaelyn and I attended a cooking class last night. Asides from two little old ladies, we were the only students that weren't newly weds. :)
We made:
Afterwards we had a picnic on the champs de mars and watched the new light show on the eiffel tower.
Fun week!

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