After a 5/6 hour, literally whirlwind 300 mph trip on the TGV we arrived in Antibes and made the pleasant 10 minute trek to our Hostel. CREPS, as it was called, is a sort of hostel/YMCA/sports boarding school. There are a group of kids there about our age who specialize in usually soccer or sailing and they do their sports during the day and there are a number of class rooms (the ones we also used) where they have classes at night.

The Second day, before we visited the Picasso museum, we got to stroll around the small, friendly town of Old Antibes. It's kind of a fort, with big old walls around most of the town and a little castle on the hill which you can see behind our hostel. The markets had everything you could ever want to buy. And a thousand types of salts, peppers and other spices. Really incredible.

Kaelyn and I started most of our mornings with a job/walk around the edge of the peninsula to walk the sunrise. It was so beautiful, this picture barely does it justice.

One day we were joined by Sarah who joined us in some picturesque yoga poses.

This is a shot of the little beach where I was attacked and wounded by a seagull when we went swimming at around 6:45 in the morning to catch the sunrise. We were surprised to find the water to be perfectly comfortable and the air when we got out warm.

This is the last shot I got before my camera died, of a view of Cannes from a little lookout place on top of a fort on the hill.